Sunday, September 17, 2017

Monday, September 18 - Friday, September 22

"What a great idea!" I scream.
1. Fixing run-on sentences QUIZ.
2. Rock Bottom. How is identity affected by life experiences?


Did you know...
Today is World Gratitude Day
What are you grateful for?

QUIZ on Friday! How to fix run-on sentences.
1.Today you have computer access.
2. The first thing to do is go over the poem you wrote last week, and using the criteria and the sample poem provided, write a reflexion in which you state what score out of 6 you should receive and why.
3. Today's question: How is identity shaped by family? Wild Horses short story.

QUIZ on Friday! How to fix run-on sentences.
Today is the first of our 45 minute Wednesday classes. We will do a gallery walk of your identity posters. As well, we will review the "identity" of a short story using Answer Garden. I will read a simple children's story - The Cat in the Hat - to review short story elements.


Who knew...
1. Complete the run-on edit sheet.
2. Choose your novel, if you haven't already done so. Read and journal in the form of a t-chart.
3. What elements affect a person's identity? Does a person's identity change/evolve over time?
4. TASK: "Container of Self" - 10 items/visuals/quotes that define you. 
3. Block G - we need to go over the back of the parallelism sheet.

Apparently it is Rice Krispies Treat Day

1. We will mark the parallelism sheet from last week sometime this class.
2. You will work on an "Edit Sheet" based on the Death of a Toad responses.
3. Discuss Death of a Toad responses in small groups.
4. Book talk for the Identity unit: Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night, Indian Horse, Into the Wild.

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