Wednesday, October 31
1. Conventions of a ghost story review: How do you know this is a ghost story - apart from the obvious mention of ghosts...
2. Giving co-constructing criteria and offering peer feedback: How to do it...
Read story #1
What's something the writer did well?
Debrief as a class
Story #2
What did this writer do well? This time, push your thinking and don't use anything that was mentioned about story #1.
Story #3
Last chance to add to the criteria. Again, don't mention things that are already on our list.
3. On the sentence strips or Post-its, write down your top two criteria. Write one point on one piece of paper. Write it big enough so it can be seen if it is up on the board.
Put your criteria on the floor or on the chalkboard - which ever you are asked to do.
4. Group/categorize similar Post-its/sentence strips.
5. Give each group a name based on what is in the group.
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