Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday, March 23 - Friday, March 27

After a quick Easter egg hunt, we got down to the serious business of practicing some of those pesky terms and devices for the exam. Have a wonderful Spring Break!

We took a look a a couple of short Vimeo films that demonstrate the micro-fiction idea in a audio-visual way (well one of the videos did, the others were a bit of fun!). I shared some more examples of micro-fiction stories and added one more type for you to write: the Fiction 55.

"Get a life!" you said, slamming the door. I was not sure what you meant. I already had 7 extra lives and was only at level 3. #140novel

DEATH TRAP The growing hatred between Mary and Robert was such that a killing was inevitable. Mary had a plan, baiting Robert incessantly in the hope that he would kill her. The note he found after he shot her read, "Thank you, Robert. Doctors had given me only two months. I hope you rot in prison forever." Ernie Glenesk Santa Maria

ONE YEAR LATER "Good morning, Eva." "Morning, Sheryl." "So how’s your garden doing?" "Growing like a weed!" They laughed. "I’m sure it’s given you a lot of comfort since Henry disappeared," said Sheryl kindly. "Actually," said Eva, "I often feel he never really left me at all." Her roses were unusually large that summer. Martha Phillip

RUDE INTERRUPTION I began writing my 55 Fiction story when suddenly a loud humming arose outside. I opened the door to find–a space ship! Four tiny creatures emerged. I invited them in for tea. I told them my story idea. They said it was boring and that I should write about them instead, so I did. Nathaniel Nauert Santa Maria


Today was a shortened class due to PLC. After silent reading, we reviewed the main points of micro-fiction and the criteria for creating them. Next I went through a few examples and for the remainder of the class there was a bit of composing time. Your task is to come up with one of each of the following: a 10 word story, a twister/twitter story, a drabble. There will be no feedback from me on this assignment because the writing pieces are short and I would like to see how everyone does editing their own work now that you have had three assignments from me with feedback on them. You should be able to use the criteria as a checklist for what the assessment calls for and you should now be familiar with the types of errors you tend to make and how to fix them. The training wheels are coming off! Finally, bare in mind I will not be collecting these pieces of writing. They will be audio/visual presentations (more on that in the coming days) using whatever phone app or computer application/online tool you choose.


We went over the odes briefly just to ensure everything was done well yesterday. Next we played with some of the poetry terms in a game of Talking Heads. Tomorrow we will return to micro-fiction an work on creating some other kinds to add to the 10 word stories written on Monday afternoon.


I was away today. My instructions for the TOC were that you should identify the evidence of quality on your odes and have a peer check to ensure the criteria have been met before handing them in. Next I wanted you to read about micro-fiction and try your hand at writing a 10 word story. I am curious to see how everyone managed and what has been produced.

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