Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September 6 - September 8

TGIF! You made it through the first week of classes! WOOT! WOOT!

Block B
1. Advocating for these topics and voting.
2. Completing the gathering of info about your "Wants" for this course.
3. Begin to pull your group ideas together so that I can type up a course outline on the weekend.

Block H
We will be in room 506 for today's class. We will be taking a look at OneNote, and I will show you how to sign in at school and at home.
1. Advocating for these topics and voting.
2. Completing the gathering of info about your "Wants" for this course.
3. Begin to pull your group ideas together so that I can type up a course outline on the weekend.


1. Today I am going to challenge you to help me co-design our course curriculum for the semester. All courses have a particular amount of "must-know" material which is determined by the Ministry of Education. My job during this course is to make sure all the must-know matter is included in our plan. Your job today and tomorrow is to contribute so that your voices and your choices are included in the curriculum plan we co-create for our class. 

Whew - it's hot outside!

Welcome to English 10!

1. Attendance - which pronoun do you prefer?
2. Fire drills.
3. Ice breaker - Your first pet's name + your mother's maiden name = your "nom de plume"
4. Course outline
5. Blog + OneNote/Office 365
6. Question 1 : What does poor learning and teaching look like? Make a list.
7. Question 2: What does really good learning and teaching look like? Put your cards on the table and sort them.
8. If you could show your understanding in English in any fashion, how would you choose to do it?
   - essay
   - writing a creative piece
   - speaking aloud to me, a small group, or to the entire class
   - making a visual (poster, Prezi, Keynote, PowerPoint, video, etc)
   - using artistic methods (painting, sculpture, dance, woodwork)
   - taking a traditional test (multiple choice, true/false, short answer essay)
 9. Consider each of the following and how you would like to see each worked into our class:
   - What are you most passionate about?
   - What are your goals?
   - What challenges do you enjoy discussing?

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