I was absent today. I left a criteria sheet for the class for the poetry assignment. The video is due on Wednesday, November 19; please include a typed good copy of the poem, plus all the drafts. The video itself can be submitted via YouTube, on a flash drive, or on a dvd. See me if you have any questions. Today was the day for the quiz on exam terms. After the quiz you had time for composing your first email to China and finishing up your Micro-Fictions.
Quiz tomorrow on 24 of the Provincial Terms & Devices
Oh my! Another class was spent largely organizing emails, discussing E-Etiquette, what to talk about in emails and whether cultural stereotypes are things that should be discussed. Here are some guidelines to remember when emailing your correspondent in China:
The purpose of the initial correspondence is to provide the Chinese student with some information about your life, your community and your experiences as an Canadian teen. It is important to consider your audience. This is a person from another country/culture who is essentially a stranger to you so you need to be somewhat formal to start. Slang will not be understood nor will any cultural references one Canadian teen might say to another. Additionally, many teens around the world may have fewer possessions than Canadian teens so limit discussions of material possessions.
cc your 1st emails to dadams@sd71.bc.ca
people with the same respect you expect from them.
Build a good reputation
Share your knowledge and your talents
Use proper grammar and spelling
Read/ respond to what they are saying.
Consider their feelings.
Respect your differences.
Ask people what they think about different topics.
Always keep safety in mind.
Read/ respond to what they are saying.
Consider their feelings.
Respect your differences.
Ask people what they think about different topics.
Always keep safety in mind.
Don't annoy people by behaving rudely.
Don't share your prejudices.
Don't yell (type in caps) to get your message across.Don't spam or share chain emails, etc.
Don't yell (type in caps) to get your message across.Don't spam or share chain emails, etc.
YIKES! No discussion of our Micro-Stories AND I forgot to return your poems to you AGAIN! I have placed the drafts of your poems in your writing folders. The good copy of one poem and a video (criteria sheet link )to go with it are due next Wednesday, November 19.
Micro-fiction 2 features foreshadowing - IF you have not already written it, place hints in the story that indicate that the protagonist is a hired killer or pregnant or a thief.
Micro-fiction 2 features foreshadowing - IF you have not already written it, place hints in the story that indicate that the protagonist is a hired killer or pregnant or a thief.
Micro-story 3 is to feature metaphor –
here is an example where the language of WAR is used in a series of sentences:
Your claims are indefensible.
He attacked every weak point in my argument. His criticisms were right on target.
I demolished his argument.
I’ve never won an argument with him.
You disagree? Okay, shoot!
If you use that strategy, he’ll wipe you out.
He shut down all of my arguments.
He attacked every weak point in my argument. His criticisms were right on target.
I demolished his argument.
I’ve never won an argument with him.
You disagree? Okay, shoot!
If you use that strategy, he’ll wipe you out.
He shut down all of my arguments.
For your micro-story featuring metaphor, use the language of something like war or business or school or the internet to tell your story. Begin by brainstorming words related to your concept such as school, then see how you can weave them into your story. All three drafts are due on Monday, November 17.
E-Mate mania! I was delighted to see everyone's enthusiasm for writing to some students in China. Very cool! It was a chaotic matching everyone with the person of their choice from the list - thank you for your patience and your participation. We will begin writing emails tomorrow or Friday! For the remainder of the class we did a quick check of all the foreshadowing clues you found in "Love." Well done! You picked-up on virtually all the important clues that I had on my list. Your 2nd of 3 Micro-fictions should feature foreshadowing. Tomorrow we will discuss how to put metaphor and metaphoric language into the 3rd micro-fiction piece.
FYI - Quiz on 24 terms from the list of examinable terms and devices on Friday, November 14 - style of quiz will be matching definitions with terms.
Remembrance Day
Many thanks to those of you who shared your Micro-Stories in class today. There were some very ingenious ideas on display around the room. I have asked that you file this first Micro-Fiction draft in your writing folder. Once you have produced three different stories, we will do some editing and you will select a piece for out of which to produce a good copy. We looked at a film clip from the early 1900s: a silent film entitled "Hearts of the World." This American film was made in order to try to stir-up American participation in the first World War. The film is mentioned in the short story we read today. Your task was to read the story "Love" twice. On the second reading, partners were to identify all the foreshadowing of the teacher's death. Foreshadowing will be the feature in you second Micro-Fiction.
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