Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday, December 8 - Friday, December 12

Several people were away today and still others were working on their PE dance video. The remainder of us watched the end of Temple Grandin.
Today we watched the first half of the film Temple Grandin. Temple Grandin has a PHd in animal science and is a professor and she has autism. We are watching this film as it relates to the novel you are reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night.
Today was a class dedicated to working on the synthesis piece for Holding Harley and Who I'm Not. In addition, or instead of, you had the option to work on the table/chart for Curious Incident. Your chart should feature 5 instances where Christopher's autism is an asset and 5 instances where his autism causes a miscommunication and therefore is a hinderance.
We marked the quiz on terms and devices that you wrote on Friday. Next we went over the answers to the jigsaw questions. I was very impressed at how well every group completed the questions and the information you picked-up from the readings.We then watched the remainder of the Ted Talk featuring Temple Grandin and we took a look at the movie trailer for the film about her life.
After silent reading we did a jigsaw activity on the subject of autism. This is background for the novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night. We will discuss your group's answers to the questionnaire tomorrow, but it seemed like almost everyone learned some new things about autism/Aspergers. At the end of the class we watched a bit of a Ted Talk featuring Temple Grandin.

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