We spent some time in the computer lab today checking out the online resources available for the Provincial Exam (link). We looked at the e-version of the exam and the "paper" version of the exam to see how they differ.
Exam tips:
• drink lots of water and get lots of rest in the days leading up to the exam
• peruse the exam for the first 5 minutes of the time allowed to familiarize yourself with what you have to accomplish in 2-3 hours
• READ all instructions carefully
• pay attention to verbs and do as you are asked: compare and contrast; discuss; analyze; assess...
• plan your long composition BEFORE you begin to write it - keep the prompt in mind - remember your LISTMANIA stories
Today was the first day to work on the Curious Incident essay. Most people got their thesis sorted out and planned the three body paragraphs. A good start. I was very impressed by how well many of you did in coming up with a strong thesis statement based on the essay task I set.
Due to the shortened block because of PLC, we opted to do the write the Curious Incident essay tomorrow and Friday. As a result, today we looked at three more examples of very well written student essays and continued constructing the criteria for a quality literary essay. We rounded off the class with some terms and devices practice and a quick few rounds of Pictionary.
After silent reading we took a look at how to embed or blend quotes smoothly into your essays. There is a link to the YouTube video we watched in the links section of this blog. Following a bit of individual practice with embedding quotes, we took a look at an example of a quality essay in order to construct the criteria that will be used when I assess your essays about Curious Incident.
Today was the day for the quiz on Curious Incident. We marked the quiz and turned back to essay practice. We reviewed the criteria for a good thesis. I gave out essay practice #4 and it is due tomorrow.
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