Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 17 - Friday, February 20

Today's class was dedicated to working on the narrative based on this prompt: Sometimes people are unable to control the direction their lives take.
Today we looked at two more examples of strong narratives to help us finish identifying the elements of a quality description for the rubric. As we had the NetBooks in the room, I asked that everyone email me their 10 minute write from last week and print a copy of their ListMania to put in the writing folders.
We had some fun describing some pictures using "fat, juicy" descriptive phrases. To date, we have reviewed generating story ideas, responding to story prompts, story starters, and (today) description. The descriptions provided were right on the money, and hopefully by leaving the sentence strips up in the room you will be inspired to provide powerful description in the narrative we are working towards. For the remainder of the class, we looked at some examples of strong narratives and pulled the quality elements out of them to put on the rubric for the narrative writing task.
After silent reading we returned to story telling. Today's prompt was "Man was I ever Freaked Out!" The purpose of this storytelling exercise was to emphasize, once again, that we have lots of stories to tell. We can even borrow the stories of others to tell. Sometimes, when called upon to write a story we can even make it up. So today you had the option to make up a story or tell something true. From there we moved to identifying story elements on the terms and devices handout. We will work on defining and building understanding of these terms over the next few days. At the end of the class we looked at what makes strong description. The list includes: specific word choices, vivid verbs, figurative language (comparisons such as metaphors and similes), imagery, -ly words...to list a few.

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