We spent most of today's class practicing the provincial exam terms using the recipe cards. There will be a quiz next Friday on the more difficult/unfamiliar terms that the class identified.
We finished reading Who I Am Not today. During reading you were asked to collect character traits of the main character and evidence to support your opinions. Afterwards, I asked you to again come up with six words to represent the BIG IDEAS present in the story. People wrote down words such as self-reliance, trust, abandonment - nice work! Next you were to write those words into sentences related to the story. We did some more Hink Pinks; someone was a little off his game today! Ok M.M. : spirit party giver?
What's a rhyming phrase for "media anxiety"? Answer: press stress
I checked in with various members of the class who have a missed handing in assignments. Don't forget to get them to me tomorrow: Micro-fictions, poems and poem videos.
We created sentences using the theme words we came up with yesterday about Holding Harley. Afterwards, I asked you do to a 10 minute timed write on the topic: Three reasons (where or when) you would want to change your identity. I was surprised by all the interesting reasons you came up with. Next I began reading you the story "Who I am Not". I will finish reading it tomorrow and we will do a synthesis activity with Who I am Not and Holding Harley in preparation for the next writing assignment.
Lots of housekeeping things to attend to now that Term 1 is over and Term 2 is underway. We marked the Term and Devices quiz from last week. We also discussed which terms on the yellow sheet are the most mysterious to you at this point. There will be a practice activity based on those terms on Friday, and a quiz on them the following Friday. There are four different assessment pieces that are now overdue. Happily most people have handed in: the novel autograph, the poems, the poem video and the 3 micro-fictions. When the flurry of activity around report cards settles, I will get in touch with China and try to sort out the email difficulties. At the end of the class, I asked you to come up with 6 BIG IDEA words related the the story Holding Harley. We will be making use of these words more in the coming classes.
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